TruckersReport Home

Our Community


The Truckers Report is an active and growing community of truckers. We strive to bring you the latest news in the industry, and provide a place to communicate about what is happening out on the road.

We’re here for you, and there’s only three simple rules:

1. DON’T INSULT OTHER MEMBERS. You can disagree with a post without using insults. Members who are rude or create a hostile environment will receive a warning. Members that fail to heed the warning will be banned.

2. NO ADVERTISING. Promoting your website or businesses will result in your account being banned.

3. NO PROFANITY/VULGAR CONTENT. Please help promote a positive image of truck drivers. Do not curse or post vulgar content.

There’s a place for all truckers in our community. You can speak your mind on: Good & Bad Trucking Companies, Tricks of the Trade, Regulations, Truck Stops, there’s even a place to post your photos from the road, and much more.

Find Great Paying Jobs

Find the latest information on better paying jobs. We offer job matching services to help you attain the next level in your career. We know that your time is valuable so we make it fast and easy to put yourself in the position to find more jobs and make more money. No matter your experience level we’re here to help you find you the job that fits!


Flatbed Drivers Needed ASAP

Tanker Drivers Needed ASAP

Reefer Drivers Needed ASAP

Car Haulers Needed ASAP

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